The National Forum " KYRGYZSTAN AHEAD OF COP28 ON CLIMATE CHANGE: DIALOGUES ON DEVELOPING POSITIONS" was held on November 10, 2023, in Hyatt Hotel, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic. The forum involved 180 representatives from all stakeholders with over 30 participants online.

The forum focused on four main directions:

  • Accelerating the implementation of a fair, equitable, and well-organized energy transition and reducing emissions by 2030.
  • Transforming climate financing and laying the foundation for new financing directions.
  • Focusing on nature, people, life, and livelihoods at the center of climate actions.
  • Mobilizing efforts for the COP (Conference of the Parties) with the participation of all stakeholders and ensuring full inclusivity.

The agenda comprised six sessions:

  • Global and National Climate Policy: Key Frameworks and Directions
  • High-Level Panel: Discussion of Sectoral Priorities on Climate Change Issues, Positions in the Country's Preparation for COP-28
  • Civil Society's Perspective on Climate Change Priorities in the Run-up to COP-28
  • Access to Climate Financing
  • Panel Session: "Climate and Inclusivity in Global Actions for a Sustainable Future"
  • Plenary Session on the Regional Climate Agenda

The dialogue served as an effective platform for bringing together ministries and agencies, experts, and organizations dealing with the resolution of pertinent climate change issues in our country.

We present to your attention the text of the Resolution



November 10, 2023,                                                                                                             Bishkek

The National Forum, with the participation of representatives from all sectors of society, serves as an open dialogue platform for discussing the most significant positions for the country on climate change issues in anticipation of the 28th Conference of the Parties (COP-28), scheduled to be held in Dubai, UAE. The final Resolution contains key proposals from Forum participants to COP-28 and may be considered for the possible formulation of the official delegation's position on the most crucial agenda items of COP-28.

The Kyrgyz Republic is grappling with the consequences of climate change, such as intensive glacier melting, increasing climatic anomalies, and natural disasters that result in significant economic losses and threaten the country's sustainable development. The escalating heatwaves and periods of low water in the country lead to issues with drinking water, irrigation of agricultural lands, electricity generation, and exacerbations of regional relations. Risks of loss to Kyrgyzstan's mountainous, forest, and natural ecosystems, crucial for climate stabilization, sources of prosperity, and essential components for population health and Central Asian regional water balance regulation, are also on the rise.

The Kyrgyz Republic has ambitious national goals to combat climate change outlined in the national document "Nationally Determined Contributions" (NDC), prepared under the National Implementation Plan of NDC and the Long-Term Carbon Neutrality Strategy Concept by 2050, as well as the ongoing development of the National Adaptation Plan.

Effective implementation of climate policy requires transparency and accountability in the actions of government bodies, civil society, and businesses when making decisions and conducting business practices in compliance with norms and standards, along with financial support and economic mechanisms.

In consideration of the foregoing, the Forum participants emphasize:

  • The distinct role of the Kyrgyz Republic as an upstream country, accumulating significant water reserves in glaciers essential for Central Asian water supply and ensuring food security, regional climate maintenance, and stability.
  • The necessity for urgent coordination of climate change adaptation measures to reduce vulnerability to impending climate change consequences and compensation for irreversible climate change impacts or those not adaptable through access to financing for losses and damages and international assistance to the country.

In light of the above, we call upon the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic, within their participation in COP-28, to give special attention to:

  • Integration into the Conference agenda of issues specific to mountainous countries in arid zones (sustainable development of mountainous regions, glacier preservation, and impending water resource deficits).
  • Preservation of biodiversity in mountain ecosystems and promotion of environmentally sustainable use of natural resources, advancement of nature-oriented solutions (Article 6.4 of the Paris Agreement, within the Sustainable Development Mechanism).
  • Development of long-term strategies for Kyrgyzstan's participation in COP-29 (assessing progress from COP-27), COP-30 (ecosystem-based adaptation and the Year of Glaciers).
  • Increase in the share of grant funding for adaptation and mitigation projects, reduction of bureaucratic burdens from funding organizations.
  • Collaborative exploration between countries and creditors of mechanisms for exchanging external debt for sustainable development, carbon, and climate neutrality, and environmental protection measures.
  • Initiatives to protect Kyrgyzstan's interests in mobilizing resources from the newly established fund for losses and damages associated with climate change adaptation.

Recognizing the impact of climate change on the health of the country's population and the importance of adhering to sustainable development principles, we recommend expressing the position of the Kyrgyz Republic within COP-28 on the "Health and Climate Day" and joining the corresponding Declaration. Climate change, including extreme weather events, as well as worsening air and water quality, have a significant impact on public health. We see a direct link between climate change and increased incidence of diseases, including heat strokes, respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, infectious diseases, and the spread of vector-borne diseases.

Taking into account the current position of the country in the Notre Dame Global Adaptation Index, where the Kyrgyz Republic ranks 65th, we emphasize the importance of developing and implementing climate change adaptation measures, including sustainable management of water resources and agriculture, early warning of natural disasters, healthcare, green energy, sustainable urban development, and biodiversity conservation, with a monitoring, assessment, and verification system focusing on human interests and the participation of all stakeholders in the strategic document development processes.

In light of the above, we call on the Parliament (Jogorku Kenesh) and the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic to expedite:

  • The development of the country's Environmental Code, making corresponding amendments to national legislation based on ongoing climate projects.
  • The enactment of a "Glaciers Law" that will preserve water resource reserves and adapt future generations to climate change.
  • The establishment of multilateral cooperation in agricultural initiatives to enhance their efficiency and sustainability, changes to the food management system in the face of climate change.
  • The consideration of social consequences of climate change in sectoral strategic documents, such as deteriorating population health, unemployment, and internal migration.
  • Interagency coordination for the implementation of the climate agenda, including measures that need to be taken considering gender aspects, youth, with particular attention to labor and employment issues.
  • Consideration of issues related to sustainable mountain development in key climate policy documents, taking into account the specific vulnerabilities of mountainous regions in the context of climate change and their role in ensuring water resources. Establish a specialized fund to support and develop a permanent glaciological monitoring system for key glaciers.
  • The adoption of green taxonomy, allowing for directing investments into sustainable or "green" economic activities and assets.
  • A phased withdrawal of support and subsidies for fossil fuel extraction and use projects, due to increased greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution during the heating season, and the lack of effective technologies for processing combustion products for waste disposal.
  • The creation of a national enhanced transparency framework (ETF) as the basis for a comprehensive assessment of progress made since the country ratified the Paris Agreement and a monitoring, verification, and reporting system for climate change mitigation.

Acknowledging the urgency of issues related to nature preservation, improvement of living conditions, and ensuring prosperity, we consider it important to:

  • Develop a low-carbon economy with minimal environmental impact by implementing circular economy principles (sustainable consumption and production) and promoting eco-friendly technologies in agriculture, industry, waste management, industrial and civil construction, and transportation.
  • Enhance infrastructure and services in mountainous regions to overcome social isolation and inequality.
  • Increase public awareness and support mass information campaigns on climate change and adaptation measures.
  • Actively participate in the implementation and monitoring of national and international climate projects, paying special attention to the transparency of funding mechanisms and reporting.
  • Encourage international cooperation, actively contributing to the formation of international collectives for sharing experiences and for the timely analysis of detected changes in various mountain systems.
  • Integrate diverse knowledge from national traditions to form a unified scientific concept.
  • Establish a specialized fund to engage young scientists, graduate students, and students in addressing urgent climate change issues.
  • Stimulate the potential of business associations and SMEs to implement innovative climate change solutions.
  • Create an expert committee with the participation of social partners and relevant stakeholders to provide independent information, consultations, and contributions to just transition measures and policies.

Considering the importance of involving the private sector in mobilizing internal resources for the implementation of climate change mitigation and adaptation measures, emphasizing the importance of economic and legal mechanisms to stimulate the business sector's participation in climate activities, we urge:

  • Conduct a legislative analysis to identify possible incentive measures, such as incentives and preferences, in accordance with environmental legislation.
  • Activate financial opportunities (loans, grants, green bonds, etc.) in the country for renewable energy sources, green infrastructure in urban areas, and the application of innovative technologies within energy and resource efficiency programs, focusing on supporting the most vulnerable populations.
  • Conduct research on the possibility of applying financial mechanisms (Article 6 of the Paris Agreement).
  • Develop a long-term climate change financing strategy.
  • Ensure direct access to preferential financing to support vulnerable small-scale farming, women's and youth entrepreneurship, rural populations residing in climate-risk-prone areas, for climate change adaptation, food security, and solving water and energy problems.
  • Negotiate with major private investors (B2B) at COP-28 platforms.Top of Form

In light of the comprehensive impact of climate change on ecosystems, life resources, and the resilience of regional economies, the urgency and effectiveness of cooperation among Central Asian countries in combating climate change are imperative. The exchange of experience, resources, and technologies among the countries of the region contributes to the development of joint adaptation strategies, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, and the strengthening of ecological sustainability.

Within existing international initiatives supporting climate issues, further acceleration of scientific, technical, and financial cooperation is necessary for sustainable "green" economic development and sustainable management of water and land resources, just energy transition, and ensuring food security through climate-resilient agriculture.

Regional cooperation is vital for successful climate change adaptation, the reduction of climate risks and vulnerability, and technical support for ongoing dialogue and exchange of opinions. Capacity building is a key factor in jointly developing a shared regional vision for the common future.

We support the active participation of the delegation of the Kyrgyz Republic in the activities of the Central Asian Pavilion to strengthen regional cooperation and express a unified regional position at COP-28.

We express readiness for active interaction with all stakeholders, constructive discussion of the proposed recommendations, and emphasize our determination to protect the rights of future generations to a favorable environment.


The National Forum "Kyrgyzstan ahead of Cop28 on Climate Change: Dialogues on Developing Positions" was organized in partnership with the Administration of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Ministry of Natural Resources, Ecology and Technical Supervision of the Kyrgyz Republic, UNDP, CF "Unison Group," and the NGO "Green Alliance of Kyrgyzstan," with active participation from all stakeholders.

The forum's agenda focused on the priority areas of COP-28:

  • Accelerated implementation of a just, equitable, and orderly energy transition and emissions reduction by 2030.
  • Transformation of climate financing and the creation of a foundation for new financing directions.
  • Focus on nature, people, life, and means of existence at the center of climate action.
  • Presentation of progress in implementing the Paris Agreement through the First Global Stocktake (GST).
  • Mobilization of efforts for COP involvement of all stakeholders and ensuring full inclusivity.

The Forum involved 180 representatives from all stakeholders (with over 30 participants online), with special attention given to issues of ecological sustainability in the context of climate change. Participants developed proposals during plenary sessions to formulate the national position on key COP-28 issues.