This report is based on the survey conducted by the Working Team of civil society experts of Kyrgyzstan, using the methodology proposed by the EDIT (Electricity Distribution Interface Toolkit) Assessment Programme, which has been developed jointly by the World Resources Institute (Washington, USA) and the Prayas Energy Group (Pune, India).
This report covers a segment of social reality, related to residential electricity consumption. Recommendations are underpinned by the review of results of quantitative and qualitative surveys carried out from February to March 2013. The survey covered the total of 1800 respondents aged 18 to 75; the sampling was formed based on data from the National Statistics Committee. The survey was conducted in seven regions of Kyrgyzstan and the Bishkek city; urban and rural population representatives were surveyed in every region of the country. The data received from the nationwide survey can be extrapolated to the whole population of the Kyrgyz Republic.
The report has been prepared with the support of the U.S. Agency for International Development, through its Program of Transition Initiatives (USAID / OTI) in 2012-2013.
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